Electronic Publication/s

Africa 500-1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research - Global Epigraphy II. Perception and Representation of the Foreign - Volume 16. 2022

medieval worlds Volume 16. 2022

Africa 500-1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research - Global Epigraphy II. Perception and Representation of the Foreign - Volume 16. 2022


ISSN Online2412-3196
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9289-3
Subject AreaMedieval Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online
Ingrid Hartl - Walter Pohl


page 2

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s2

Roland Steinacher - Philipp Margreiter

Africa 500-1000. Introduction

page 3

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s3

Andy Merrills

A Subaltern’s View of Early Byzantine Africa?: Reading Corippus as History

page 44

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s44

Elizabeth Fentress

Islamizing Berber Lifestyles

page 67

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s67

Isabel Toral

The Umayyad Dynasty and the Western Maghreb. A Transregional Perspective

page 93

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s93

Antonia Bosanquet

Maritime Trade from 3rd/9th-century Ifrīqiya: Insights from Legal Sources

page 108

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s108

Paolo Tedesco

Africa’s Transitions to the Middle Ages

page 129

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s129

Andreas Rhoby


page 141

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s141

Peter Kruschwitz

Imaginations of Barbarians and Barbarian Lands in the Latin Verse Inscriptions

page 163

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s163

Eva Caramello - Romedio Schmitz-Esser

From Genova to Yangzhou? Funerary Monuments for Europeans in Yuan China and their Paleographic Analysis

page 210

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s210

Bernard Gowers

Creolisation and Medieval Latin Europe

page 263

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s263