Walter POHL – Andre GINGRICH (Eds.) - Roland Steinacher - Paolo Tedesco - Philipp Margreiter - Andreas Rhoby (Guest Eds.)

medieval worlds • no. 16 • 2022

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-9289-3
Online Edition

Open access
Indexed by:  ERIH-PLUS, Crossref, DOAJ, EZB

medieval worlds provides a forum for comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of the Middle Ages. Its aim is to overcome disciplinary boundaries, regional limits and national research traditions in Medieval Studies, to open up new spaces for discussion, and to help developing global perspectives. We focus on the period from c. 400 to 1500 CE but do not stick to rigid periodization.
medieval worlds is open to submissions of broadly comparative studies and matters of global interest, whether in single articles, companion papers, smaller clusters, or special issues on a subject of global/comparative history. We particularly invite studies of wide-ranging connectivity or comparison between different world regions.

Apart from research articles, medieval worlds publishes ongoing debates and project and conference reports on comparative medieval research.

Ingrid Hartl and Walter Pohl

Africa 500-1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research
Guest editors: Roland Steinacher, Paolo Tedesco and Philipp Margreiter

Africa 500-1000. Introduction
Roland Steinacher and Philipp Margreiter

A New Age of Saint Augustine? Antoine-Adolphe Dupuch, François Bourgade, and the Christians of North Africa (1838-1858)
Bonnie Effros

A Subaltern’s View of Early Byzantine Africa?: Reading Corippus as History
Andy Merrills

Islamizing Berber Lifestyles
Elizabeth Fentress

The Umayyad Dynasty and the Western Maghreb. A Transregional Perspective
Isabel Toral

Maritime Trade from 3rd/9th-century Ifrīqiya: Insights from Legal Sources
Antonia Bosanquet

Africa’s Transitions to the Middle Ages
Paolo Tedesco

Global Epigraphy II. Perception and Representation of the Foreign
Guest editor: Andreas Rhoby

Andreas Rhoby

Identification by Architectural Shape. Sarcophagi of Indigenous People and Foreigners in Roman Imperial Lycia
Oliver Hülden

Imaginations of Barbarians and Barbarian Lands in the Latin Verse Inscriptions
Peter Kruschwitz

“Foreign(er)”, “Strange(r)” and “Extraordinary”: xenos and its Meanings in Byzantine (Metrical) Inscriptions
Andreas Rhoby

From Genova to Yangzhou? Funerary Monuments for Europeans in Yuan China and their Paleographic Analysis
Eva Caramello and Romedio Schmitz-Esser

Alieness in Inscriptions and Alien Inscriptions. Alterity and Strangeness as Reflected in Pre-Modern Inscriptions from Central Europe
Andreas Zajic

Individual Article

Creolisation and Medieval Latin Europe
Bernard Gowers

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail:


medieval worlds • no. 16 • 2022

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-9289-3
Online Edition

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
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Thema: journals
Walter POHL – Andre GINGRICH (Eds.) - Roland Steinacher - Paolo Tedesco - Philipp Margreiter - Andreas Rhoby (Guest Eds.)

medieval worlds • no. 16 • 2022

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-9289-3
Online Edition

Open access
Indexed by:  ERIH-PLUS, Crossref, DOAJ, EZB

Andreas Zajic
S.  229 - 262

Open access

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

This article examines images of (primarily religious, but – at least implicitly – also ethnic) otherness as featured by late medieval inscriptions from Austria and its neighbours. As an introduction to the topic, the author first presents a 19th-century epitaph from South Tyrol (Italy) that is dedicated to the memory of a youth originating from (modern) Sudan who, following his baptism, was brought to Europe by his mentor, a Tyrolean missionary. The exemplary religious lifestyle of the Catholic young man honoured on stone seems to have been directed to the local Christians as an exhortation to develop more religious zeal. Second, the study assesses a memorial erected in 1304 by the Benedictines of Altenburg Abbey, commemorating (pagan) Cumans that were killed on the grounds of desertion (as military allies of the Austrian duke in his campaigns against the king of Bohemia) and assaults against the (Christian) civilian population in battle, of whom 104 were finally buried by the abbot and the monks in a mass grave close to the monastery. A younger inscription (dating from the second half of the 14th century) serves as an epigraphic admonition to Catholic believers entering (what is now) St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna to refrain from pagan idolatry, an appeal that was staged by presenting (today lost) statuettes of either antique or Cumanic origin. Finally, the text investigates the lavish tomb slabs of two Gypsy leaders (from the early 16th century) in Pforzheim and Tulln, who were buried in the respective churches. Highlighting the sharp contrast between the predominantly negative image of alien pagans from the earlier monuments to the self-conception of the Gypsy chiefs as assimilated Christians in their ultimate media of remembrance, the author points out that the process of epigraphic othering served to foster common self-conceptions of the Christian majority society.

Keywords:  Epigraphy, Late Middle Ages, self-representation, otherness, Cumans, Gypsies, religious orthodoxy, funerary monuments, battle memorials
  2022/06/30 07:51:39
Object Identifier:  0xc1aa5572 0x003d8963

medieval worlds provides a forum for comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of the Middle Ages. Its aim is to overcome disciplinary boundaries, regional limits and national research traditions in Medieval Studies, to open up new spaces for discussion, and to help developing global perspectives. We focus on the period from c. 400 to 1500 CE but do not stick to rigid periodization.
medieval worlds is open to submissions of broadly comparative studies and matters of global interest, whether in single articles, companion papers, smaller clusters, or special issues on a subject of global/comparative history. We particularly invite studies of wide-ranging connectivity or comparison between different world regions.

Apart from research articles, medieval worlds publishes ongoing debates and project and conference reports on comparative medieval research.

Ingrid Hartl and Walter Pohl

Africa 500-1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research
Guest editors: Roland Steinacher, Paolo Tedesco and Philipp Margreiter

Africa 500-1000. Introduction
Roland Steinacher and Philipp Margreiter

A New Age of Saint Augustine? Antoine-Adolphe Dupuch, François Bourgade, and the Christians of North Africa (1838-1858)
Bonnie Effros

A Subaltern’s View of Early Byzantine Africa?: Reading Corippus as History
Andy Merrills

Islamizing Berber Lifestyles
Elizabeth Fentress

The Umayyad Dynasty and the Western Maghreb. A Transregional Perspective
Isabel Toral

Maritime Trade from 3rd/9th-century Ifrīqiya: Insights from Legal Sources
Antonia Bosanquet

Africa’s Transitions to the Middle Ages
Paolo Tedesco

Global Epigraphy II. Perception and Representation of the Foreign
Guest editor: Andreas Rhoby

Andreas Rhoby

Identification by Architectural Shape. Sarcophagi of Indigenous People and Foreigners in Roman Imperial Lycia
Oliver Hülden

Imaginations of Barbarians and Barbarian Lands in the Latin Verse Inscriptions
Peter Kruschwitz

“Foreign(er)”, “Strange(r)” and “Extraordinary”: xenos and its Meanings in Byzantine (Metrical) Inscriptions
Andreas Rhoby

From Genova to Yangzhou? Funerary Monuments for Europeans in Yuan China and their Paleographic Analysis
Eva Caramello and Romedio Schmitz-Esser

Alieness in Inscriptions and Alien Inscriptions. Alterity and Strangeness as Reflected in Pre-Modern Inscriptions from Central Europe
Andreas Zajic

Individual Article

Creolisation and Medieval Latin Europe
Bernard Gowers

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail: