Electronic Publication/s

Oaths in Premodern Japan and Premodern Europe - Volume 19. 2023

medieval worlds Volume 19. 2023

Oaths in Premodern Japan and Premodern Europe - Volume 19. 2023


ISSN Online2412-3196
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9563-4
Subject AreaMedieval Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online
Walter Pohl - Andre Gingrich - guest editors: Philippe Buc - Thomas D. Conlan

Oaths in Premodern Japan and Premodern Europe - Volume 19. 2023 - complete volume

Table of Contents

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s1

Ingrid Hartl - Walter Pohl


page 2

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s2

Philippe Buc

Oaths in Premodern Japan and Premodern Europe. An Introduction

page 3

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s3

Yoshikawa Shinji

Before Written Oaths (kishōmon): Oaths (sensei) in Ancient Japan

page 22

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s22

Thomas D. Conlan

The Gods Are Watching: Talismans, Oaths, and Political Allegiance in Medieval Japan

page 40

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s40

Megan Gilbert

Writing Oaths: Embodied Evidence in Fifteenth-Century Japan

page 65

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s65

Horikawa Yasufumi

Oaths and Divine Punishments in Warring States Japan from the Princeton University Collection

page 86

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s86

Stefan Esders

Loyalty Oaths and the Transformation of Political Legitimacy in the Medieval West

page 119

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s119

Helmut Reimitz

The Promise of History: Oaths in Frankish Historiography

page 141

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s141

Hélène Débax

Oaths as an Instrument of Power in Southern France, 11th-12th Centuries

page 163

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s163

Elliot Worrall - Rutger Kramer - Thomas Grant

Nicholas in the North: A Fragment of Nikolaus Saga Erkibyskups in Oslo, Nra 69 – Text, Translation and Commentary

page 216

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no19_2023s216