Walter POHL – Andre GINGRICH (Eds.) - Nathan P. Gibson (Guest Ed.)

medieval worlds • no. 18 • 2023

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-9444-6
Online Edition

2023  License: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Open access
Indexed by:  ERIH-PLUS, Crossref, DOAJ, EZB

"medieval worlds" provides a forum for comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of the Middle Ages. Its aim is to overcome disciplinary boundaries, regional limits and national research traditions in Medieval Studies, to open up new spaces for discussion, and to help developing global perspectives. We focus on the period from c. 400 to 1500 CE but do not stick to rigid periodization.
medieval worlds is open to submissions of broadly comparative studies and matters of global interest, whether in single articles, companion papers, smaller clusters, or special issues on a subject of global/comparative history. We particularly invite studies of wide-ranging connectivity or comparison between different world regions.

Apart from research articles, medieval worlds publishes ongoing debates and project and conference reports on comparative medieval research.

In this volume we introduce the debate as a new format in Medieval Worlds. Scholars are invited to contribute to current topics of interest either with an essay or with comments to this essay. The series is opened with a lively discussion of the concept of “state” in medieval studies and offers contributions by B. D. Shaw, N. Di Cosmo, S. Gasparri and C. La Rocca, H.-W. Goetz, J. Haldon, Y. Stouraitis and R. Le Jan. M. Wiesinger, C. Jackel and N. Orban discuss first results of their ground-breaking ERC project Arithmetic, in which German mathematical treatises from the Late Middle Ages are studied. The second stand-alone contribution by A. Wareham compares English and Chinese sources with regard to peacemaking around the turn of the 11th century. The second instalment of our thematic section on Knowledge Collaboration among Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Muslims in the Abbasid Near East (guest editor N.P. Gibson) presents further studies on textual evidence of “other” (religions) as well as insights into possible uses of digital tools in this context.

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail:


medieval worlds • no. 18 • 2023

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-9444-6
Online Edition

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2,
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail:
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Thema: journals
Walter POHL – Andre GINGRICH (Eds.) - Nathan P. Gibson (Guest Ed.)

medieval worlds • no. 18 • 2023

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-9444-6
Online Edition

2023  License: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Open access
Indexed by:  ERIH-PLUS, Crossref, DOAJ, EZB

Jens Ole Schmitt
PDF Icon  Sleepy Animals: Barhebraeus (1226-1286 CE) on Sleeping and Dreaming among Animals ()
S.  137 - 158

Open access

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

This paper investigates which animals sleep and wake in general and which, in addition, are also able to dream, according to Barhebraeus (Bar ʿEbroyo, Arabic: Ibn al-ʿIbrī, 1226-1286 CE), the famous Syrian Orthodox polymath and theologian. Attention is also given to the authors who are his primary sources, namely, Avicenna and Aristotle. Parallel examples include Albert the Great as another author who is dependent on some of the same sources and Pliny the Elder as a Latin author without Arabic influences. Roughly, Avicenna and Barhebraeus can be understood as allowing for or stating the observation of far more dreaming animals than Aristotle himself did explicitly, while Albert allows for even fewer. The question of why on this matter Barhebraeus relied primarily on these two authors as his sources, though not on other post-Avicennan Arabic authors as he did in many of his other philosophical and even theological works, will also be briefly discussed. This select reliance could be connected to a historical change in the topics dealt with in the scientific curriculum, with the lack of coverage of zoological topics by Barhebraeus’s favorite source authors being one of the reasons that led him to rely on the older texts by Avicenna and Aristotle. However, this cannot be generalized as a rule, as there are at least two contrary cases in Barhebraeus’s works on physiognomics where he has had recourse to an older text rather than a treatise by one of his otherwise preferred source authors.

Keywords:  Barhebraeus/Bar Hebraeus (Bar ʿEbroyo, Arabic: Ibn al-ʿIbrī, 1226-1286 CE), Aristotelian philosophy, Syriac philosophical works, Arabic philosophical works, Aristotle, Avicenna, Albert the Great, animals, sleeping, waking, dreaming, viviparous quadrupeds, mammals, physiognomics
  2023/06/30 08:32:09
Document Date:  2023/06/30 09:30:00
Object Identifier:  0xc1aa5572 0x003e5884

"medieval worlds" provides a forum for comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of the Middle Ages. Its aim is to overcome disciplinary boundaries, regional limits and national research traditions in Medieval Studies, to open up new spaces for discussion, and to help developing global perspectives. We focus on the period from c. 400 to 1500 CE but do not stick to rigid periodization.
medieval worlds is open to submissions of broadly comparative studies and matters of global interest, whether in single articles, companion papers, smaller clusters, or special issues on a subject of global/comparative history. We particularly invite studies of wide-ranging connectivity or comparison between different world regions.

Apart from research articles, medieval worlds publishes ongoing debates and project and conference reports on comparative medieval research.

In this volume we introduce the debate as a new format in Medieval Worlds. Scholars are invited to contribute to current topics of interest either with an essay or with comments to this essay. The series is opened with a lively discussion of the concept of “state” in medieval studies and offers contributions by B. D. Shaw, N. Di Cosmo, S. Gasparri and C. La Rocca, H.-W. Goetz, J. Haldon, Y. Stouraitis and R. Le Jan. M. Wiesinger, C. Jackel and N. Orban discuss first results of their ground-breaking ERC project Arithmetic, in which German mathematical treatises from the Late Middle Ages are studied. The second stand-alone contribution by A. Wareham compares English and Chinese sources with regard to peacemaking around the turn of the 11th century. The second instalment of our thematic section on Knowledge Collaboration among Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Muslims in the Abbasid Near East (guest editor N.P. Gibson) presents further studies on textual evidence of “other” (religions) as well as insights into possible uses of digital tools in this context.

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail: