Walter POHL – Andre GINGRICH (Eds.)

medieval worlds • no. 10 • 2019

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-8663-2
Online Edition

Open access
Indexed by:  ERIH-PLUS, Crossref, DOAJ, EZB

medieval worlds provides a forum for comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of the Middle Ages. Its aim is to overcome disciplinary boundaries, regional limits and national research traditions in Medieval Studies, to open up new spaces for discussion, and to help developing global perspectives. We focus on the period from c. 400 to 1500 CE but do not stick to rigid periodization.
medieval worlds is open to submissions of broadly comparative studies and matters of global interest, whether in single articles, companion papers, smaller clusters, or special issues on a subject of global/comparative history. We particularly invite studies of wide-ranging connectivity or comparison between different world regions.
Apart from research articles, medieval worlds publishes ongoing debates and project and conference reports on comparative medieval research.

Table of Contents

Uses of the Past in Times of Transition:
Forgetting, Using and Discrediting the Past

Introduction. Making the Past in Late and Post-Carolingian Historiography
Maximilian Diesenberger

The Church as a Governance Actor in a Period of Post-Imperial Transition:
Delegation of Fiscal Rights and Legal Change in 10th-century Churraetia
Stefan Esders

Understanding the Church’s Past:
Usuard’s Martyrology in Tenth-and Eleventh-century England
Sarah Hamilton

Creating an »Orthodox« Past:
Georgian Hagiography and the Construction of a Denominational Identity
Emma Loosley Leeming

Using the Carolingian Past in a Society of Transformation:
The Case of Early Medieval Septimania/Catalonia in the Long Tenth Century (900-1050)
Matthias M. Tischler

Uses of the Past in Early Medieval Iberia (Eighth-Tenth Centuries)
Jorge Elices Ocón and Eduardo Manzano Moreno

Royal Marriage, Frankish History and Dynastic Crisis in Regino of Prüm’s Chronicle
Eric J. Goldberg and Simon MacLean

Negotiating the Roman Past in Later Tenth-century Armenia
Tim Greenwood

Aitire, 人質, тали, όμηρος, رهن , obses: Hostages, Political Instability, and the Writing of History c. 900-c. 1050 CE
Alice Hicklin

Approaches to Global Epigraphy, I

Global Epigraphy: The Scholarship on Inscriptions of Eurasia from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period
Andreas Rhoby, Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail and Andreas Zajic

Archaeological Contexts of Inscriptions in the Private Sphere:
The Mosaic Inscriptions of a villa rustica in Skala/Cephalonia
Elisabeth Rathmayr and Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail

Inscriptions in Areas of Historical Western Tibet (mNga’ ris skor gsum) in their Contexts:
A Brief Overview with Selected Examples
Christian Jahoda

Byzantine Connections

History and Exegesis in the Itinerarium of Bernard the Monk (c. 867)
Daniel Reynolds

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail:


medieval worlds • no. 10 • 2019

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-8663-2
Online Edition

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2,
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UID-Nr.: ATU 16251605, FN 71839x Handelsgericht Wien, DVR: 0096385

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Thema: journals
Walter POHL – Andre GINGRICH (Eds.)

medieval worlds • no. 10 • 2019

ISSN 2412-3196
Online Edition

ISBN 978-3-7001-8663-2
Online Edition

Open access
Indexed by:  ERIH-PLUS, Crossref, DOAJ, EZB

Jorge Elices Ocón, Eduardo Manzano Moreno
PDF Icon  Uses of the Past in Early Medieval Iberia (Eighth-Tenth Centuries) ()
S.  87 - 106

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

During the Early Middle Ages, most of the Iberian Peninsula became part of the so-called dār al-Islam, the huge realm that extended from the shores of the Atlantic to the borders of the Indian subcontinent, and which comprised North Africa, the Near East and significant parts of Central Asia. In the long run, this meant a dramatic shift from the notions, ideologies and frames of reference that emerged in other western regions of the former Roman Empire. Notwithstanding this obvious divergence, Iberia had shared with these regions a common classical legacy that was assimilated, readapted and, finally, integrated after the Arab conquest under a new perspective in a number of distinctive ways. The aim of this paper is to analyse receptions, perceptions and ideas on classical Antiquity from the eighth to the tenth century in both al-Andalus and the Christian north, drawing data from the material evidence and the written record. It is our contention that the appreciation of this legacy underwent significant changes in both cultural milieus as a result of changing political and social circumstances.

Keywords:  Reuse; translation; legitimation; Antiquity; Umayyad; Asturias, al-Andalus
  2019/11/28 20:01:09
Object Identifier:  0xc1aa5576 0x003b0d72

medieval worlds provides a forum for comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of the Middle Ages. Its aim is to overcome disciplinary boundaries, regional limits and national research traditions in Medieval Studies, to open up new spaces for discussion, and to help developing global perspectives. We focus on the period from c. 400 to 1500 CE but do not stick to rigid periodization.
medieval worlds is open to submissions of broadly comparative studies and matters of global interest, whether in single articles, companion papers, smaller clusters, or special issues on a subject of global/comparative history. We particularly invite studies of wide-ranging connectivity or comparison between different world regions.
Apart from research articles, medieval worlds publishes ongoing debates and project and conference reports on comparative medieval research.

Table of Contents

Uses of the Past in Times of Transition:
Forgetting, Using and Discrediting the Past

Introduction. Making the Past in Late and Post-Carolingian Historiography
Maximilian Diesenberger

The Church as a Governance Actor in a Period of Post-Imperial Transition:
Delegation of Fiscal Rights and Legal Change in 10th-century Churraetia
Stefan Esders

Understanding the Church’s Past:
Usuard’s Martyrology in Tenth-and Eleventh-century England
Sarah Hamilton

Creating an »Orthodox« Past:
Georgian Hagiography and the Construction of a Denominational Identity
Emma Loosley Leeming

Using the Carolingian Past in a Society of Transformation:
The Case of Early Medieval Septimania/Catalonia in the Long Tenth Century (900-1050)
Matthias M. Tischler

Uses of the Past in Early Medieval Iberia (Eighth-Tenth Centuries)
Jorge Elices Ocón and Eduardo Manzano Moreno

Royal Marriage, Frankish History and Dynastic Crisis in Regino of Prüm’s Chronicle
Eric J. Goldberg and Simon MacLean

Negotiating the Roman Past in Later Tenth-century Armenia
Tim Greenwood

Aitire, 人質, тали, όμηρος, رهن , obses: Hostages, Political Instability, and the Writing of History c. 900-c. 1050 CE
Alice Hicklin

Approaches to Global Epigraphy, I

Global Epigraphy: The Scholarship on Inscriptions of Eurasia from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period
Andreas Rhoby, Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail and Andreas Zajic

Archaeological Contexts of Inscriptions in the Private Sphere:
The Mosaic Inscriptions of a villa rustica in Skala/Cephalonia
Elisabeth Rathmayr and Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail

Inscriptions in Areas of Historical Western Tibet (mNga’ ris skor gsum) in their Contexts:
A Brief Overview with Selected Examples
Christian Jahoda

Byzantine Connections

History and Exegesis in the Itinerarium of Bernard the Monk (c. 867)
Daniel Reynolds

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail: